
Abnormal Pap Smears

A Pap test, or Pap smear, is part of a woman's annual wellness exam. The Pap test involves extracting a small sample of cells from the cervix. These cells are examined, in a lab, for abnormal cell changes. The Pap test is used in diagnosing cervical cancer and human papilloma virus, or HPV.

Annual Exam

The annual gynecological exam, also known as a gynecological well-visit, is a yearly preventative and diagnostic examination which serves to maintain the wellness of female patients, as well as monitor any ongoing physical and hormonal conditions. This annual visit is an opportunity for doctors to counsel patients about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and minimizing health risks. The annual gynecological exam includes a routine breast and pelvic exam, and may include a screening for sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. A Pap test may also be performed depending on the age and sexual history of the patient. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women begin annual pelvic exams...


A mammogram is an X-ray examination of the breast. It is performed to detect breast cancer in its earliest stages, often before any signs or symptoms of the disease are present.


Menopause is the time in a woman's life when her menstrual period has stopped. Menopause is caused by a decrease in the ovaries' production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which eventually results in the ovaries' ceasing to produce eggs, and the end of menstruation.


Menstruation is the monthly vaginal bleeding a woman experiences as the uterine lining is shed. Every month, an ovary releases an egg that travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized, the egg and lining of the uterus are shed, resulting in menstruation. The average menstrual period lasts from 3 to 5 days, although it can vary from person to person and from month to month.


Ovulation occurs when an egg is released from an ovary. Once released, it enters one of the fallopian tubes and travels toward the uterus. If the egg is fertilized by sperm, it implants in the uterine wall (endometrium), and pregnancy occurs. If the egg remains unfertilized, the uterine lining is shed during menstruation. Ovulation usually takes place between the 10th and 14th days of a menstrual cycle, but varies among women or from month to month.

Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy testing is performed to determine whether or not a woman has a fertilized embryo in her uterus. A pregnancy test detects the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadoptropin (hCG) in the body. This hormone is usually only produced when an egg has successfully been fertilized and attaches to the uterine wall. Levels of hCG rise quickly and within a matter of days after a woman becomes pregnant. There are two types of pregnancy tests that are commonly performed; one uses a sample of urine, and the other, a sample of blood. Both tests measure the levels of hCG in a woman's body.


Sonography (ultrasound procedure) is a quick, painless diagnostic imaging technique. It uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the internal organs. A sonogram is the image that is produced by performing sonography or ultrasonography. During pregnancy, a sonogram is performed to obtain information about how the fetus is developing. It is used to check the fetus's blood flow and heartbeat, as well as estimate its age and delivery date. It is also performed to check the female pelvic organs during pregnancy.


A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus and can sometimes include the ovaries and fallopian tubes. This is a common procedure for women in the United States and is performed over 600,000 times each year. A hysterectomy stops the menstrual cycle and prevents pregnancy. It is a permanent procedure that cannot be reversed.

STD Testing

A sexually transmitted disease, or STD, is a disease or infection that is spread from one person to another through sexual contact. Most STDs are caused by bacteria, parasites or viruses, that are transmitted through contact with the genitals, skin, mouth, rectum, or bodily fluids. STDs can cause problems ranging from mild irritation to severe pain. Left untreated, some STDs can cause illness, cancer, infertility or harm to a fetus during pregnancy

Breast Exam

Breast exams are physical and visual inspections of the breasts. They are an important part of an OBGYN checkup because breast exams can help identify any unusual lumps or suspicious growths around the breasts. In addition, a doctor can teach a patient how to perform these exams at home every month in order to recognize any changes on their own breasts. Breast exams can be a very useful tool for the early diagnosis of breast cancer.

Transvaginal Ultrasound

A transvaginal ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging test used for examining female reproductive organs. It may be performed to diagnose the cause of various abnormalities, including menstrual irregularities, pelvic pain, infertility, and uterine fibroids, or it may be performed to monitor a fetus' growth during the early stages of pregnancy.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers to affect women. It develops in the cervix, which is the lower, narrow part of the uterus that forms the canal that opens into the vagina. Cervical cancer is often caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is passed from person to person through genital contact, usually during vaginal or anal sex. Most women infected with HPV will not get cervical cancer, and treatment is usually successful when the disease is discovered in its early stages.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ABOG) American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) NIH - Office of Women's Health Castle Connolly Top Doctors Super Doctors